Friday, July 11, 2008

Momma's Gone Nuts?

As I sat on the floor of Dear Son's bedroom, putting the finishing touches on the fresh whitewash on the inside of his door, the kids were having a rare moment of playing nicely together in Dear Daughter's bedroom across the hall. They were pretending to pack their backpacks for a make-believe overnight trip somewhere. Dear Daughter grew frustrated with her little brother about something which I could not discern from my position. As I crouched on the floor across the hall behind Dear Son's bedroom door, here is the conversation I overheard:

Dear Daughter: "Aaaarghhh! Zach! You make me nuts sometimes!"

Dear Son: "Yeah." (...long pause...) "...Mommy's nuts!"

Dear Daughter: "Yeah, you make Mommy nuts sometimes too!"

Dear Son: (another long pause) "...Mommy's nuts all the time!"


Ed (zoesdad) said...

That's just not right.

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! I've been thinking about you a ton lately...

A favorite line phrase my kids use now is after they ask me "Where are we going?" I say "CRAZY!!!" They say "NO! We're already there!" Guess I've said that a few times too many!

MGM said...

I could totally hear you saying "Crazy" in response to your kids. I think if we had the chance to see each other again, 14+ years would all but disappear! Glad that you are still out there reading! I checked in on your pics recently and saw the Disneyland trip. Looks like fun!

CaraBee said...

Oh, the things kids say. And at what point did we become the crazy mommies, because my own mother is/was absolutely bat-sh*t cuckoo and I swore it would never be me. Do all kids think they're moms are crazy?

Maternal Mirth said...

Just wait until they're teens ... they'll REALLY think you're wacked :)

BTW - emailing you tonight...