Thursday, October 26, 2006

100 Things About Me

  1. What can I say…I haven’t had a lot to blog about lately
  2. Which is unusual, because usually I have so much to blog about that I can’t find the time to blog it all
  3. The reason I can’t find the time is because I’m so busy chasing my 10 month old son and my 3 year old daughter
  4. My kiddos are the cutest kiddos on the planet (except yours, of course)
  5. But there are times I want to set my “cutest kiddos” on the curb with a “free to good home” sign
  6. Fortunately those moments are fleeting, and I bring them back inside before someone takes me up on it
  7. I love being a 75% SAHM
  8. I also love being a 25% professional mental health therapist
  9. Sometimes it’s hard to love my career and love being a SAHM at the same time
  10. I can’t believe people PAY ME to listen to their problems (you probably can’t believe it either)
  11. I have taught college courses as an adjunct professor
  12. I decided to let go of that position when my son’s birth was near
  13. I really miss teaching college
  14. I once used the word “ass” in front of my college class
  15. Since it was a Christian college, I had one student who accused me of cussing
  16. I don’t consider “ass” a cuss word. Fortunately, neither did the chair of my department
  17. I continue to be asked to come back and teach in spite of the “ass” incident
  18. The two best places I've lived are in the wilderness of Northern Idaho at the Canada border and near the Oregon coastline
  19. I don’t care much for the scenery of the Midwest, but the houses cost a lot less
  20. I have a bachelor’s degree in classical piano
  21. I rarely find time to play the piano much anymore (see number 3)
  22. I also have a bachelor’s degree in creative writing
  23. The only writing I find time to do is on this blog (see number 3)
  24. I also have a master’s degree in clinical psychology
  25. I was granted the award of “Outstanding Graduate Student” for the year 2002 by my college
  26. I didn’t know the award existed until I was granted it
  27. I was also granted the award of “Outstanding Psychology Graduate Student” for the year 2002 by my region’s Psychological Association
  28. I didn’t know that award existed either
  29. I didn’t study psychology in undergraduate school
  30. Not a single class—not even general psychology
  31. I had a cat that lived to be 19 ½ years old
  32. He was getting really sick from cancer, and I had to put him to sleep
  33. His name was Frederick
  34. I really miss him
  35. I’m really independent and relatively antisocial
  36. That’s why I don’t have many friends
  37. And why I don’t really care
  38. I watch Lifetime movies when I run on the treadmill
  39. It’s really irritating
  40. I can't stand it when I get sucked into one and have to miss the ending
  41. I don’t have enough time to watch a movie all the way to the end (see number 3)
  42. I have a kind and tolerant husband that will record the end of really stupid Lifetime movies for me to watch later
  43. The only network television show I ever watch is ER
  44. I don’t have time to watch television (see number 3)
  45. I hate hot weather
  46. I hated hot weather even more when I was pregnant (both times)
  47. I gained 48 pounds with my first pregnancy
  48. I lost it all
  49. It took a year and a half
  50. Two weeks later I discovered I was pregnant again
  51. We hadn’t exactly planned to get pregnant again just yet
  52. I gained 50 pounds with my second pregnancy
  53. I gave birth to my second child 10 months ago
  54. I had lost 35 pounds last time I checked
  55. I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism
  56. That explains why I can’t seem to lose the last 15 pounds
  57. I’m not giving up
  58. I started running again
  59. And lifting weights
  60. I fear being fat
  61. I ordered my husband to hide the scale because I obsess about things
  62. One time I obsessed about the Duggar family after seeing them on The Lifetime Channel
  63. It was all I talked about for several days
  64. I couldn’t let it go until I knew WHY they have 16 children
  65. I could never have 16 children
  66. Two children is just right for me
  67. My body doesn’t know how to give birth
  68. That’s why I had to tolerate two c-sections
  69. My two c-sections were the freakiest things I’ve experienced so far
  70. I thought I wanted two girls
  71. I don’t know what I was thinking
  72. My husband and I accidentally met in an internet chat room
  73. Three months later we met face to face
  74. Six weeks later he asked me to marry him
  75. I said, “Yes”
  76. Three and a half months later we got married
  77. Some people thought we were crazy
  78. Our 10 year anniversary is February 2007
  79. Apparently we made a good decision to marry each other
  80. But I still I wouldn’t recommend for others to do what we did
  81. It really was a little crazy
  82. But I know a good man when I meet one
  83. I had met a lot of bad ones before
  84. I moved 6 times between 1994 and 1997, including one cross country move
  85. Frederick came with me every time
  86. I also changed jobs 6 times between those same years
  87. I was really tired after that
  88. I don’t have any addictions
  89. Except chocolate
  90. I also love popcorn
  91. I used to be addicted to Diet Coke
  92. I gave up soda pop of all types 6 months ago
  93. I don’t miss it
  94. I also gave up sugar
  95. I missed it at first
  96. I don’t anymore
  97. My favorite color is red
  98. If I could go anywhere in the world it would be Alaska
  99. I would live there in a log cabin on a mountainside where the moose and bears run wild
  100. That’s the only thing I would change about my life

1 comment:

butterfly cocoon said...

Those were fun to read!
I remember when I was little, but parents considered butt a cuss word.
I was (alternately) intrigued and irritated by the Duggars.
Seemed to Pollyanna to me.
Thanks for sharing these!