Sunday, May 21, 2006

Trying Out Some New Foods

Since starting Dear Son on solid foods a week and a half ago, he's back to sleeping from about 8pm - 4:30am. Last night Dear Husband and I actually felt like staying up after the kids were in bed and watching a movie. It's a rare occurance these days. I woke Dear Son up to feed him around 11pm before going to bed myself, and he slept until 6am. Life is good again.

So far, Dear Son has not cared for rice, but he really likes oatmeal and bananas. These pictures are typical faces he makes when eating. He doesn't look like he likes what he's getting, but he often keeps grabbing for the spoon and pulling it to his mouth. Next on the food menu: avacados.

I am all set to make homemade baby food again, just like I did with Dear Daughter. Only now I've got it easier. Dear Hubby bought me a very nice food processor for Mother's Day. It will be much easier than the blender for making baby food. I'm already ahead of the game with butternut squash and apples that I purchased on Saturday.

I am so excited to report that Dear Son's eczema (which showed up when he was two months old) has totally cleared up since I began following the diet rules that our enzyme practitioner recommended. I can't believe that I didn't learn all this stuff months and months ago when we first began taking Dear Daughter to him to fix her food allergies and eczema. Anyway, the basics areto consume as many whole unprocessed foods as possible and never eat a carb without a protein. Especially do not consume refined sugar and white or other bleached and overprocessed flours. I am actually finding this not at all hard to do, and so much healthier. Dear Son's eczema, which had lingered for a good two months and was growing worse and worse, cleared up within four days of these diet changes! His skin is now baby soft and not a sign of eczema to be seen. I've got double evidence now that our enzyme practitioner really does know what he is talking about and that it really is all about digestion and nutrition. Both my kids have perfect skin, and Dear Daughter hasn't been sick, save for a slight runny nose last fall, ever since adding the enzymes to her diet over a year ago.

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