Thursday, May 26, 2005

Poop Bag Revisited

Wal-Mart bags have many uses in our home. When cleaning out the refrigerator, they are great for dumping modly leftovers in before throwing them in the trash. They work for packing material to fill up those extra spaces when sending a box through the mail. They are great for cleaning out the chunks in the cat litter box. They are just the right size to line small bathroom wastebaskets, and even the somewhat larger wastebasket in Zoe's room (hence the oringal "poop bag" reference a few posts back). Zoe continues to holler "Honey....poop bag!" down the stair case from time to time. The other day I brought many Wal-Mart bags full of groceries into the house. They were strewn about the floor as I worked on putting the groceries away. Zoe approached one of the bags and tried to lift it, while stating matter of factly, "Poop bag." Apparently Wal-Mart bags will always have a reputation for alternative jobs around our house.

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