Monday, May 26, 2008

Just the Highlights

Holiday weekends only leave me wanting more. This time it could be the fact that I painted Dear Son's bedroom, the master bathroom, mowed the five acres, scrubbed the kitchen floor, finished some paperwork I was behind on, and hosted a BBQ.

I'm too tired to write much, so I will just report Dear Son's newest phrase, "Rah, rah, rah! Siss boom bah!" and post a few pics.

The first couple are from our Mother's Day outing to the local Science Center and to lunch at Red Lobster.

Then there's the pic documenting our Memorial Day tradition of setting up the kids' wading pool. Dear Son doesn't like to get in. He prefers to stay on the sidelines and shoot his squirt guns.

And the last ones record what the wee ones were up to when they disappeared into Dear Daughter's bedroom tonight, followed by a few moments of silence, followed by lots of giggling and parading around the Dear Daughter's tights, worn on their heads.

1 comment:

Maternal Mirth said...

LOVELOVELOVE the tights!